Abstract Submission

Abstract Submission
# Event Dates (Status)
1 Regular registration 2nd October 2024 – 15th, November 2024

Sample Abstract

Guidelines for Abstract Submission
# Info
1 Click ‘Login’ button and login in to the system. First time users will need to create an account.
2 It is recommended that presenting author should submit the abstract by creating their own account (Please note that ONLY one abstract can be submitted from an account).
3 Steps for submitting abstracts: Login -> Abstract Submission -> Title & Theme -> Authors -> Pre-Conference Tutorial -> Abstract body & References -> Image->Preview->Submit
4 Abstract text: 1500 characters with space.
5 References: Numbered [1] to [5] in the format: Authors Name, Title, Journal Name Vol., page number (year). DOI link. Maximum 5 references and 1250 characters with space.
6 Figure: Dimension: 16 cm x 8 cm; size < 1MB (jpg,jpeg and png) [Hint: to create an image of the required size, open power point --> Design --> Slide Size --> Custom Slide Size --> Width 16 cm --> Height 8 cm --> OK. Paste the image and save the file image as jpg/jpeg/png.]
7 A special Pre-Conference Tutorial on the topic ‘Synchrotron Radiation for Materials Characterization’ followed by a guided visit to Indus-1 and Indus-2 synchrotrons at RRCAT, Indore will be organized on Monday, December 2, 2024.
8 The Pre-Conference Tutorial is applicable only for PG/Ph.D. students who are presenting authors in IUMRS-ICA 2024. A recommendation letter from the supervisor is mandatory.
9 The Pre-Conference Tutorial is available for a limited number of participants only. An additional fee of ₹1000 is applicable for the Pre-Conference Tutorial.
10 Abstract data can be edited by clicking respective tabs.
11 After final submission of abstract, it can not be edited.
12 In case of any technical problem in abstract submission, please write to: info@iumrs.csr.res.in or convener@iumrs.csr.res.in.